42a mos to civilian skills translator
42a mos to civilian skills translator

An enforced career change at the age of 40 is a major life course event how veterans dealt with this contributed to the main findings which show that successful army veterans accepted that their army service was ending and prepared early for civilian life and work. Veterans’ words concerning their return to civilian life reflect that many issues remain unchanged over several decades. Collected data which was transcribed and converted to text was manipulated and analysed using N-Vivo Qualitative Data Analysis software, Microsoft Word and Access applications. A methodology based on an interpretivist perspective was employed to explore the veteran’s remembered experiences, their thoughts and opinions and this approach was informed by life course and career development theories. Research data was drawn from the remembered lived experiences of the veterans recalling both their army and civilian careers. Evidence was gained from 51 veterans both men and women through written mini biographies, face to face interviews and interviews through the medium of the internet. Existing literature is primarily concerned with those who, having served for relatively short periods of time, leave and suffer a range of social and health problems including mental illness, homelessness, unemployment and alcoholism. The work adds to knowledge since whilst considerable literature exists relating to those who have not made successful transitions from the armed forces to civilian life and work, there is little on those who have been successful. What factors contribute to the successful transition of army veterans to civilian life and work? Author: James McDermott Abstract This thesis has identified a number of factors which explain why those leaving the armed forces after 22 years or more of army service make successful transitions to civilian life.

  • Maintained an HRIS database: tracking incoming and outgoing soldiers and all pertaining personnel records.Title: Old Soldiers Never Die - They adapt their military skills and become successful civilians.

    Responsible for the training, guidance, professional development, and welfare of 11 administrative personnel assigned to the section.Revised finance Standard Operating Procedures to streamline pay inquiries, resulting in dramatic reduction of pay problems.

    42a mos to civilian skills translator

    Amended the existing drug policy reducing the processing time required by approximately 50%.Wrote, designed and produced Standard Operating Procedures of Human Resource functions streamlining efficiency.

    42a mos to civilian skills translator

    Prepared reports and recommended procedures to reduce absenteeism and turnover.Kept record of insurance coverage, pension plan and personnel transactions, such as hires, promotions, transfers and terminations.Planned and carried out policies relating to all phases of personnel activity.Supervised a team of seven clerical personnel in support of 1,000 employees.Bolstered recruitment efforts using competitive strategies, market analysis and effective communication.Presented formal and informal talks at civic and service organizations and student bodies.

    42a mos to civilian skills translator

  • Interviewed college applicants to obtain work history, education, training, job skills and advised potential recruits of career benefits offered by the military.
  • Provided information on employment opportunities to potential recruits.
  • Development Delivery of Military Training Programs.
  • A team leader, providing motivation and training by example. Excellent communication and presentation skills. Commitment to detail in doing the job right the first time in completing all projects.

    42a mos to civilian skills translator

    Demonstrated experience in the coordination of all aspects of recruiting, training and retaining quality employees. Strong problem solving and decision making skills with the ability to develop and implement effective action plans. A highly organized, take charge professional with more than twenty years of Human Resources and recruiting experience.

    42a mos to civilian skills translator